Tag: ms
Do Today What You Can Start Tomorrow
Before my MS I was fairly active. I ran, swing danced, was active in professional and church groups. After my diagnosis my activity leveled dropped. Looking back I can see how dramatically it did drop. I didn’t become a hermit but I didn’t do nearly as mush as I once did. One of the things…
I’ll Start Tomorrow – Honest
A lot of us plan to do stuff – work out, eat better, be more active, meet more people, try new things – we plan but a lot of times we stop short of actually doing. One of the most common phrases used is “I’ll start tomorrow.” As it turns out though, tomorrow is always…
Never Doubt What Nobody is Sure About
I write a lot about being active, pursuing your passions, trying new things, being courageous – I write about it a lot but that does not mean I am always that way. I definitely have my moments of being timid, wanting to try something new but being afraid to. Like most everyone else I can…
The Jitters – More Than a B-List Movie
The jitters, we all get them. Even with all my blogs and personal conversations about trying new things I still get them – as recent as yesterday in fact. So if we get the jitters what do we do? Yesterday I had the opportunity to try something I don’t normally do but I failed to…
Know Thyself
I’m sure you have heard the phrase “know thyself” many times. A maxim that originated in Greek philosophy and later adapted into Latin, know thyself is a simple yet powerful phrase. Simple because all it requires is self examination yet powerful because it requires self examination. Knowing who you are – what makes you do…
Stuck Between a Rock and My Goal
I have lived in my house for over 5 years now. During that time I have done nothing to improve it. No landscaping, nothing with the interiors, nothing. Realizing this I have decided to improve some things, starting with the outside. Among some of the improvements I am adding a fence and garden boxes to…
The Envious Eye is Never Satisfied
It should be no epiphany that we have created an envious society. The desire to have what others have is driven into our eyes and ears daily. It comes from all avenues – from “celebrities” and politicians, from media and corporations , from fashion and athletes. Envy is everywhere and its effects are destructive. Envy…
Redefining Success
I recall a program I volunteered with at a local church looking to help students with truancy problems. In every training session they stressed that we must redefine what success means. Where most of us were accomplished professionals success for them might be merely making it to school for two weeks straight. We had to…
Redefining Epic
I was at the doctors office recently and while waiting I thumbed through Red Bull’s magazine, Red Bulletin. In it they had stories about people doing epic adventures – climbing down 400ft ice glacier caves, running a 69 mile pilgrimage trek in Spain. Seeing these I started wondering – what makes something epic? Dictionary.com defines epic…
Renewing the Wonder of the Perfect Pump
Throughout the history of man we have always been in awe of things…. for five minutes then we lose interest. For example how fire cooks food, how the oceans have tides, how the stars come out at night, how trees and vegetation grow. Even as our technology grows so does our apathy toward it. The…