I have been feeling better lately and have been practicing more. Unfortunately I am still learning the same song. The last part of the song is a strumming part that is quite fast. I am no where near as fast as the guy in the video but getting that fast will take time. And I have to admit, I may never get that fast. I have my limitations just like everyone else. However, I do not know my limitations because I have never pushed myself past that plateau. So, I may yet get that fast, who knows, I am just not that fast right now.
In addition to practicing the song I have been l researching into what makes up the Spanish style guitar. I came across a Flamenco guitar video lesson. In it he talked about how true Flamenco players let their fingernails on their strumming hand grow out and shape them to use as picks. As much as I want to learn Spanish guitar that is where I draw the line – I like my fingernails kept short. So, that just means I will fine a work around, which is ok, I am not in it to be perfect, I am in it to pursue it.
The one thing I am learning is that I don’t know my limitations, I don’t know what I can do and what I can’t. Learning my limitations, learning what my natural talents are versus what talents I have to acquire is part of pursing my passions. I dare say it is part of all of us pursing our passions. It won’t come quick, it won’t come easy but it will come if we pursue them with all we have. And while life my sometimes hinder you or detour you never quit in that pursuit. I am not going to quit so don’t you quit either.
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