Spanish Guitar Day 15

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Of all the excuses there are for not practicing being sick is not a bad one. I hate to use it but with the recent wild fluctuations in the weather recently it has sent my sinuses into a horrible fit. I guess there is a life lesson in this – life doesn’t stop simply because we are pursing a passion, sometimes we have to roll with the punches.

Now, I have tried to practice but most days I end up coming home from work and just resting. I can start to see some progress in my playing and I do not want to stop that progress. However, life happens and sometimes it happens at the most inconvenient of times. I started the first 60 day challenge with a head cold and now it seems I get to do the same with the second challenge. Pure awesome, but it happens.

With that being said I look forward to getting better and getting back to practicing. Until then I will continue to rest, get rid of this head cold and hit it hard and awesome when I feel better. Until day 20 and a disappeared head cold, have a great and fruitful day.

Attempt it. Chance it. Try it. Get to It![/cs_text][/cs_column][/cs_row][/cs_section]



