A Little Nonsense Now and Then

Mos of us have those movies or TV shows we can’t go without. For me  it’s the original movie Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.  The movie is full of creative machines and quotable lines. My most favorite of these quotes is “A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men.” I believe some of the greatest things in life are born from the absurd and we should not shy away from something simply because it’s a little nutty.

When trying to jump start or sustain motivation it’s easy to get wrapped up in the dos and don’ts -do this, don’t do that. If you make motivation solely of series of tasks on a list it’s no longer motivation. Motivation is about finding, defining and building the inner desire for something. If it’s not within you to accomplish something the motivation you have will eventually fade.

If you find yourself getting too wrapped up in the dos and don’ts of life take a break and do something absurd. Dance in your cubicle, draw a flip cartoon, try a yo-yo contest, work on your tongue twisters. Small, nonsensical things can break the monotony and get you back on track. Willy Wonka built the worlds largest candy factory living by the creed that “A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men.” Go, build the worlds largest candy factory with a little nonsense.

Attempt it. Chance it. Try it. Get to It!


