Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Spanish Guitar Day 60
Day 60, the final day of the Spanish guitar challenge. It is hard to believe that I am here already, it seems like yesterday I just started the gluten free challenge. Time sure does fly, especially when you are enjoying yourself. And I will say I have enjoyed getting reacquainted with the guitar. It had…
Spanish Guitar Day 55
It’s day 55 of the Spanish guitar challenge. I am nearing the end, not for playing the guitar but simply for the challenge. It is my plan to continue playing and learning. Though it had been a while since I picked up the guitar on a consistent basis I have enjoyed getting reacquainted with it.
Spanish Guitar Day 50
It’s day 50 of the Spanish guitar challenge. What happened to day 45 you may ask – that’s a question I am asking myself. We all know that time flies and can get away from us if we are not careful. But what we don’t always see is how unanticipated issues can cause us to…
Spanish Guitar Day 40
Learning to play Spanish guitar takes time and time is one thing we never seem to have enough. Or do we? Is time management about allocating time or is it something else? Could proper time management be more about choice than creating a schedule? Let’s explore.
Spanish Guitar Day 35
Day 35 and so far it’s been enjoyable seeing the progression since the start. As I mentioned before it’s always encouraging seeing how you have progressed. So when obstacles arise and bring difficulties it can be discouraging if you let it.
Spanish Guitar Day 30
It’s day 30, or at least it was a couple of days ago. I am behind on this posting, my apologies. I am now half way through the 60 days, but I am just at the beginning of the challenge. I say that because learning Spanish guitar is not something I intend to drop off…
Spanish Guitar Day 25
They say practice makes perfect. I don’t know if it makes perfect but it does make progress. It’s day 25 and I finally feel like the practicing is paying off – I am making progress. That feeling of progress is itself motivating me to want to practice more, and the more I practice the more…
Spanish Guitar Day 20
Day 20, I am officially a third of the way through the Spanish guitar challenge. Yikes, now that I have written it this challenge is going by quick. Not only that but yikes, I feel like I should be further along than I am. Granted I have been sick and haven’t practiced but I feel…
Spanish Guitar Day 15
Of all the excuses there are for not practicing being sick is not a bad one. I hate to use it but with the recent wild fluctuations in the weather recently it has sent my sinuses into a horrible fit. I guess there is a life lesson in this – life doesn’t stop simply because…
Spanish Guitar Day 10
Practice makes perfect and missing practice makes for sloppy playing. This is a lesson I know and normally can hide but now my missing a couple days of practice is evident for the whole world to see. That is where I am at for day 10 learning Spanish guitar – knowing what to do but…
Got any book recommendations?