A few years ago I ran my first official run – a 5k in Chattanooga. It was hot, muggy, and more hilly than I thought it would be. I finished it in just over 30 minutes, running the whole thing expect the last 100 yards which were straight up a hill. That’s not a great time but I’ll take it.
The run took place before the onset of my MS but it was a tough run nonetheless. It was tough not just because it was my first 5k but I had other things I was dealing with. It took great effort to steer my mind to focus on the running and not on the other things. I accomplished that with great help from a great movie, Finding Nemo.
If you have never seen it can I just say, what’s wrong with you? I jest, I realize it’s not for everyone. But there is a line from the movie where one character, Marlin, is losing faith and another character, Dori, helps Marlin to keep going by repeating over and over, “Just keep swimming, just keep swimming.” That line popped in my head and drummed the whole 5k. It helped keep me moving.
Though I can run a 5k a lot easier now than a few years ago that mantra has never left my head. There are at times other things I have had to push through since then and the whole time I hear the drumming, “Just keep swimming, just keep swimming…” What kind of obstacles and hurdles have you faced that has keep you from finishing? Whatever it is remember we’re all with you, cheering you on. Just keep swimming, just keep swimming…
Attempt it. Chance it. Try it. Get to It!