I’ll Start Tomorrow – Honest

A lot of us plan to do stuff – work out, eat better, be more active, meet more people, try new things – we plan but a lot of times we stop short of actually doing. One of the most common phrases used is “I’ll start tomorrow.” As it turns out though, tomorrow is always in the future, tomorrow never becomes today.

We all will use this phrase at some point in our life. For me it’s been an unknowing mantra I have chanted for many years now regarding different things. One of the more personally immediate thing I need to start is eating and living better. Before my MS came along I was fairly active and was at one of the best shapes I had been in. But since the symptoms and then the diagnosis came my drive slowed down.

As I mentioned in my first post, I gained 45lbs from being less active, I didn’t cook as much at home and my eating habits weren’t as good. I also stated that I would lose the weight and get back in better shape. Though I have made some headway I am no where near where I said I was going to be. And it mainly starts with that fateful phrase, “I’ll start tomorrow.”

Start thinking about all those things you’ve planned on doing over the years and then think about how often you used the phrase that dooms. Think on these over the next few days and when we come back we’ll talk about scrubbing that phrase from our lexicon. Until then…

Attempt it. Chance it. Try it. Get to It!


