I write a lot about being active, pursuing your passions, trying new things, being courageous – I write about it a lot but that does not mean I am always that way. I definitely have my moments of being timid, wanting to try something new but being afraid to. Like most everyone else I can be afraid to try.
As I have mentioned in previous posts there will be some changes coming soon. Get to It! is more than just a weekly blog, it’s a way of life, and it’s that lifestyle that I am trying project. Though the blog is just a year old the idea for Get to It! came three years ago. Over the past three years I have been working on understanding what Get to It! means, exactly what it is. Three years is a long time to sit on an idea but it was time has been well spent. It took that long to figure things out.
Now that things such as what Get to It! means has been mostly figured out it’s time to do more than just write a weekly blog. It’s time to get out there, engage with others, provide them the tools necessary for living a more full and meaningful life. Now that it’s time I feel like I’m balking – I still have questions and concerns about what I’m trying to do – there is a modicum of doubt.
Sitting here writing this blog I am reminded of the great Willy Wonka quote, “You should never doubt what nobody is sure about.” For all my doubts about what I am trying to do it’s still an unsure thing. Unsure that people will not buy into it, true, but even more unsure that maybe people will buy into it. Until you try, until I get out there and propose Get to It! I should never doubt what nobody is sure about. Who knows what idea just might change the world.
Attempt it. Chance it. Try it. Get to It!